Monday, December 9, 2013

Rude or what?

I was just thinking, have you ever been in a conversation with someone and you zone out while they are talking.

I have this person in my life that call me to tell me their entire day, but they say the same story 2-3 times. Then on top of that the next day they tell me about it again plus what happened the present day.

Whoo, I can't help it, my mind is always running and once I get bored listening I'm in lala-land.

What to do, sometimes I don't answer my phone for a few days but guess what...
Once I decide to answer their call or call them back I have to hear what happen all those days we haven't spoke.

Gotta love 'em though and rude or not, can't live with 'em and can't live without 'em.

"My Random Thoughts"

My References:
  1. My Brain

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