Friday, December 20, 2013

Kimbal Roundy...

Hello all,

So Kimball Roundy is an internet GURU that started the Spiderwebsystem. This was back in like 05-06 not really sure how long ago. But anyways it was a system, FREE system that helped people get leads for their business. Because everyone on the net knows the money is in the list.

So he worked on perfecting it and even closed the doors for about a year or so to continue testing.
But now the wait is over and he has come back out with it and it's BIGGER and better than before.

It's pretty cool how he designed the whole idea and put the technology together to virtually GUARANTEE that anyone who joins will get paid...

Even if you're the last person to join and never refer anyone...

You should check it out:  5 Minute Mongul

"My Random Thought"

  1. My Brain

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Kids have no filter...

So I took my daughter out today on the train, she loves it. Anyhow, my daughter loves to speak to people. Everyone that stepped foot on the train she said, "Hello!"

But it was this one lady that did not speak back to my daughter and she said, "Mommy that lady did not say HI!"

So I explained that not everyone is having a good day and maybe the lady is just not in the mood.

So then she yells, "Mommy, that lady is really grumpy and she did not say hello back."

She had the entire train car laughing. So innocent and very much aware.

I love her honesty it's what makes her, her. And I always tell her that even though people feelings get hurt sometimes, that telling the truth is always best. Lesson learned.

"My Random Thoughts"


  1. My Brain

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Multi-Tasking..., right this moment I am typing this post and waiting on a tab to load so I can log into Yahoo.
Doing 2-3 things all at once, it's hard but definitely has its perks.

By doing all this I am able to attempt different task at the same time and get more accomplished in about the same amount of time.

Anyways multitasking is a big part of my life. Because I am a WAHM, I have to juggle my business duties as well as my personal time with family and friends.

On top of that my daughter is home-schooled, what a busy life.

Between chore charts, stickers, school work, stickers, play time, working for 20 minutes a day, stickers, dinner, and I almost forgot to mention... More stickers, I do not know which way is left at times.

Thinking about this, helped me realize I need to start thinking more about my health...

I'll be back to complete
"My Random Thought!"

  1. My Brain

Friday, December 13, 2013

WANTED: Artists for our "Song-of-the-Month" Contest!

Get your song entry in now for...

•World-Wide exposure for your music.

• Gain Recognition. Grow your band's reputation and fan base by Winning or placing in the Song-of-the-Month contest.

• Receive valuable feedback! Who likes it, who loves, it etc!

• Get a FREE customized Artist Website for promoting your music and communicating with fans.

•Automatic previewing and instant downloads of every song you upload.

•Sell your band's merchandise, tickets, etc., and more!


  1. Signup as a member and complete registration HERE !
  2. Upload your best new, original song written/recorded just for the contest before the first of each month.
  3. Voting also includes a free download of the song for the voter to spread your music far and wide!
  4. Tell your friends and fans to come vote for your song too.
  5. Stop by the contest leaderboard regularly to see how your entry is doing.
  6. Build an international member fanbase by entering a new song each month.

 Good Luck!

"My Random Thoughts"


1) My Brain

2) TC



No talking?

So I have this person that I am really close to me but we have, I think over done it, as far as spending too much time together.

Why do I say this?

Because me and this person will sit in the same room for hours and not say anything to one another.

What has happened?
We were bestfriends, talked about everything and now we literally have nothing to say.


It frustrates me, that tehnology has taken over our lives. This person sits on the phone all day and I do my work on my phone and computer.

I have some real thinking to do!


"My Random Thoughts"

  1. My Brain

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Is it possible?

Again, this holiday thing have me swirling.

I am just fed up with the lies. I heard something on MSNBC and they were playing holiday music etc. 
But what does holidays mean? Well let us just use Easter and Christmas.

Easter is suppose to be a celebration for Christians and their beliefs that Jesus Christ was resurrected.

But, now it's so many bunnies and chocolate everywhere on that day that Jesus Christ seems to come 2nd and then his resurrection.

Then for Christmas, the birth of the Messiah. Please, every morning after thanksgiving on MSNBC, all they could talk about was how much more the big companies would make this year than last.

Like Really is it all about the money. Is it possible that we have all forgotten our values and tradition.

When I was little i would look forward to waking up on Easter because I knew the once a year routine.
  1. Wake up, and have a big breakfast,
  2. Get cleaned up and went to church,
  3. Came home, changed and played until people started to show up to eat and 
  4. The Easter egg hunt!
 But once I found out there was no Bunny it took all of the fun from the holiday.

Oh but wait...

For Christmas, my grandma would be cooking for literally 48 hours. Baking pies, cheesecakes, cakes, collard greens, sweet potatoes, potato salad, ribs, turkey and stuffing, mac & cheese, ham with pineapples. Whoo, there's nothing like a good home-cooked meal.

I would be so excited thinking Santa Claus would come to my house, only to hear my family later talking about how they got a good deal on my toys.

Point being holidays are no longer about family, values, or tradition, but how much more than you I can spend thing, and who has the most expensive gift.

Sad! but hey we do what we are taught, so I will continue teaching her all about her roots and values.

until next time...

"My Random Thoughts"

  1. My Brain
  2. Sendearnings Search
  3. Simple To Remember
  4. All About Jesus Christ
  5. Google Images

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Goodnight to all!

I am wiped out, had a long day and now I am ready to hit the sack.

So I will be back tomorrow with some more of "My Random Thoughts!

So goodnight and have sweet dreams I shall!
until next time...

  1. My Tired Brain


Sitting here, bored. I just put my little one down to sleep and now it's time for last minute posts, checking and responding to emails, and advertising!

I have to keep my income on autopilot. Especially with my little one growing at such a rapid pace.

I mean she needs new shoes every 2-4 months, her little feet are out of control. Jeeze, I never knew how much a child cost until I had one.

For me, working for someone is just not on my to-do-list. Working hard and keeping my income sources flowing so that I can continue to provide for my daughter is definitely at the top of my to-do-list.

On that note I love a deal just as much as the next person so I thought I'd offer YOU, my readers an early Holiday Deal: Get $10 back for every $100 you spend! Now through 01/10/2013!

  1. Click HERE!
  2. Spend $100 or more.
  3. Forward your receipt to ME 
  4. Receive your Gift Certificate with $10 for every $100 spent ! (Maximum Gift Certificate Amount: $100)

Thanks for reading, and I'll ramble some more later.! ;)

"My Random Thoughts"

  1. My Brain
  2. TC

Monday, December 9, 2013

Addicted to these auctions...

So I purchased this TCredit Pak - (200 TCredits) So that I can bid on this Apple iPod touch 8 GB (4th Generation) Black, too bad I loss. But I will not give up, as soon as something else worth my bids come up I will be at it again. Until then I am stacking up on TCredits to make sure I am ready to bid strong on my next go.

Although I am disappointed, I am happy I found a Penny Auction site! ;)

Not only can I bid with my TCredits but I can also: enter the "Pick-The-Price" contest for EVERY auction, thus giving me multiple chances every day to win.


(PTP) is only 1 TCredit to enter. All I have to do is simply log in at the start of each new feature auction and click the Pick-The-Price Contest button. Enter the amount I think will be the final, winning price of the item. If I pick the exact, final price, I immediately win 100 free TCredits, a $42 value (or 25 TCredits if I'm the closest without going over).

Maybe you like auctions, hope to see you inside!

 Happy Bidding ;)

"My Random Thoughts"

  1. My Brain
  2. PriceBenders
P.S. There are many other uses for TCredits but my favorite is auctions!

Rude or what?

I was just thinking, have you ever been in a conversation with someone and you zone out while they are talking.

I have this person in my life that call me to tell me their entire day, but they say the same story 2-3 times. Then on top of that the next day they tell me about it again plus what happened the present day.

Whoo, I can't help it, my mind is always running and once I get bored listening I'm in lala-land.

What to do, sometimes I don't answer my phone for a few days but guess what...
Once I decide to answer their call or call them back I have to hear what happen all those days we haven't spoke.

Gotta love 'em though and rude or not, can't live with 'em and can't live without 'em.

"My Random Thoughts"

My References:
  1. My Brain

Right on time...

So as I was surfing the net I came across this book, "You Stress Less, by Dr. OZ and Dr. Roizen!

So then I thought hey, my last post was about making change, and now I find a book that includes 75 valuable tips to Reverse the effect of stress, what a coincidence.

There can be stresses of change, like: not knowing if everything will be okay, or moving to a new area. Change is hard but sometimes it is definitely for the best.

Successful people changed because they stopped allowing things to hold them back from moving forward. They chose to no longer fail.

But the only way to become successful is to try different things until something eventually works.

Try, try, try and never give up, because you never know just how close to the finish line you really were.

Now please note there are different types of success, such as success in your career, success in school, success in dance, success in life as a whole.

But it is unachievable with too much stress.

I just purchased my copy so stay tuned for my review! If you can't wait for my review then grab your copy HERE , and leave a comment below with your review! Thanks... ;)

"My Random Thoughts"

  1. My Brain

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Time for change!

Click Here!

Everyone is so afraid of change, when in reality we change everyday.

Lets say you wake up tomorrow at 7 A.M., but you're use to waking up at 7:30 A.M., that 30 minutes difference changed the rest of events that follow.

Ever changed hair-dos, ever changed jobs, ever changed clothes, ever changed routes to moms house, ever change?

Exactly, if you did not change those things life would be really boring. Routine gets boring.

Everyone deserves something new every now and again.

So, the point of all this chat about change is because I am making some life changes and yes, it is scary but very much necessary.

I have to do what I have to do! [Just Do It - NiKE]

Stop procrastinating, get up and stay in the Focus Tunnel.
Focus Tunnel: A tunnel in which keeps you focused, particularly to block out distractions while you are performing a task that requires complete focus.

Well that's all for "My Random Thoughts!" today, until next time...


  1. My Brain

Friday, December 6, 2013

This is my favorite niece!

So just looking through some of my pictures, (I love taking pictures) reminiscing about when my daughter was one and we would go on little outtings and people would ask me "Is that your daughter?"

At first I would get so angry, and reply with a sarcastic remark. Like, "No, this is my favorite niece!"
Lol, some would just walk off and some would reply sarcastically, "You must really love your sibling enough to show such affection to your niece?"

Like, how do I respond to that, everywhere I went at least 20 people asked me the same question. It felt like a really weird redundant joke. It was just weird for me because she looks just like her dad, but resembles me. So for someone to really build up the nerve to ask if she was my daughter must not have really looked at her. Like what?

Anyways, before I ramble on and on, I would like to say I had a lovely day at the Mall with my little one. She rode the Carousel, we ate homemade subs, fresh bottled water, got balloons, and played for 2 hours at Jumparoos.

She will be getting ready to get her beauty rest soon. And now is my time to figure out which of "My Random Thoughts" will be next...

until next time!

  1. My Brain

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Just sitting and thinking...

Sitting here looking at how well my new blog looks and how I think my first 2 posts were cool. I was just rambling and typing as fast as I could. Let's be honest...I just threw together those first post and I just feel I do better under pressure.


I have been advertising my new blog in a few places and started seeing immediate traffic, yay, for me! That means that both my advertising and my fresh Content is in demand, and getting noticed enough by search engines to generate more Traffic. Lucky enough for me "My Random Thoughts" OVER-delivers relevant, original, high-value information= Preselling.

Then... and only then...

I MONETIZE by being a "Pure Info-preneur" and earn substantial income without selling at all. Just by sharing my opinion and being me!

C.T.P.M. : Is what you will need to succeed Online.


Because Offline, it's all about "location, location, location."Online, it's all about "information, information, information."

Which leads me to...


So, according to Dictionary  passion is a strong amorous feeling or desire. 

What do you desire? What do you want out of your life?

My passion is my daughter, everything I do, I do to benefit her in some way shape or form. My 3 years old daughter opened my eyes a lot and I enjoy teaching her. She is home schooled, speaks English, Spanish, and American Sign Language. I love learning new things and to have this mini me whom also loves to learn is amazing. I get overwhelmed with such joy and pride when it comes to my daughter.

I currently teach 5-10 toddlers once or twice a week, more like a little tutoring session. They love learning A.S.L. because it keeps them active. I am doing what I love with the person I love most, and sharing with others.

I am almost sure
  • Know Something About Anything, 
  • Have A Hobby
  • Have A Passion 
  • Have Interests 
  • Have Experience
I have a lot of random thoughts and look at my blog.
Simple and you could have thought of it.

Just build a business using the C.T.P.M. method and success should soon follow. 

Take time to reflect on what your passion is, then jot down ways to help people by sharing what you know with like-minded people.

And finally-->>  Make Money From Your Passion!
Check out this video, Enjoy!

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink- Thus I have provided you with the success formula it's now up to you to use it to become successful!

"My Random Thoughts" 

  1. My Brain
  2. Dictionary
  3. Phrases 

Lets' be honest!

So my daughter is 3 now and Christmas is coming and she doesn't know about Santa Claus.

 My things is, she never has to know about him.

Because I was molested as a child and now as a mother I trust no man around my daughter.
And it is not even a question if I would let her sit on a complete strangers lap, YUCK!

Like for me it is perverted and I can't allow it. She already knows that she is only allowed to sit on her dad's lap but she's so active that, that doesn't happen too often.

Some men only have to look at a young girl and get aroused so imagine if you let your daughter sit on his lap. We do not know the man behind the Saint Nick get-up, and how can we trust it.

Oh malls wont hire perverted predators to imitate Santa Claus, how can you be so sure?

Well according to mindflash "almost all mall Santas must pass a background check to make sure they don’t have a criminal record."


I mean they teach you to run and scream if a man approach you trying to give you candy but parents will rush their children to take pictures sitting on a complete strange man's lap.  Ironic!

But back on topic,  she never has to know about him.

Because, if we did celebrate Christmas I would tell her I bought her presents, instead of giving all of my hard work and credit to a fictional character.

Lies, never makes anyone feel good. So if you think back to when you were a kid you'd be all excited to put cookies and milk out for Santa, and wake up with presents.

Then look at how things changed once you knew. The excitement went away, and if you were younger when you found out your little spirit was crushed.

I am my daughters protector and protect her I shall.

No lies, no BS you have to know better to do better. And I don't want to see that little sad look on her face later once she find out mommy lied to her.

That's just me and "My Random Thoughts"!

  1. MyBrain
  2. MindFlash

Have you ever...

So as I was sitting here deciding what I was going to write about, I found myself getting distracted by what I should even name this blog.

Every subdomain (subdomain is a domain that is part of a larger domain,) I had chosen was taken. I mean I must have spent at least 15 minutes trying to choose a subdomain, I had never realized that there were so many like-minded people on the internet with a blog until now! But of course I wanted my subdomain and site to, in a way match so there we have it!

Has this ever happen to you? You are doing one thing and get distracted doing something else.

Of course, because we are all human.

None are better than the other because they know more or less. We only build up this confidence that makes us look, think, feel and come off as being above the next person.

So back on topic, I did come up with a subdomain:
And by the time I chose my subdomain I noticed that I felt like writing about choosing the name of the blog "My Random Thoughts"!

So stay tuned for more of "My Random Thoughts" ;)

  1. My Brain ;)
  2. Wikipedia